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DWCBC Board Members

Laura Sturgis, President

Laura Sturgis

The President presides at all meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors. The President appoints the chair of all standing and special committees and makes other appointments as are necessary, with approval of the Board of Directors.

Democratic Women's Club of Bay County logo

Second Vice President
Nancy Grimes

The Second Vice President shall act as an aide to the President and shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to act and the absence or inability of the First Vice President to act. Should a vacancy occur in the office of the President and the First Vice President is unable to fill the vacancy; the Second Vice President shall fill the vacancy. The Second Vice President shall be the Chair of the Membership Committee. The Second Vice President shall perform any other duties assigned by the President, Board of Directors or general membership.

Kathryn Hudson, Legislative Liason

Legislative Liason:
Kathryn Hudson

The Legislative Liaison represents the Club on legislative matters.

Beverly Wall, Immediate Past President

Immediate Past President:
Beverly Wall

The Immediate Past President serves as an adviser to the President and to the Board of Directors.  The Immediate Past President also serves as chair of the Grievance Committee and is responsible for History Archives.

Virginia DeBolt, Secretary

Virginia DeBolt

The Secretary records the minutes of all meetings of the general membership and the Board of Directors. The Secretary maintains all records of the Club and performs other duties as may be delegated by the President or the Board of Directors.

Democratic Women's Club of Bay County logo

Director of Programs and Community Outreach

The Program Director heads our program committee and ensures dynamic and informative speakers for our member meetings.

Julie Raynor, First Vice President

First Vice President
Julie Raynor

The First Vice President shall act as an aide to the President and shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to act. Should a vacancy occur in the office of President, the First Vice President shall fill the vacancy. The First Vice President shall be the Chair of the Program Committee. The First Vice President shall perform any other duties assigned by the President, Board of Directors or general membership.

Alicia Bays, Treasurer

Alicia Bays

The Treasurer serves as the custodian of all funds of the Club and disburses all funds as authorized by the Board of Directors.  The Treasurer presents an annual report at the November meeting each year.

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